Come here কুমুদ। ( এইরূপ প্রত্যেক ছাত্রকে )
Sit down কুমুদ।
( প্রত্যেককে) You sit here. You sit there ইত্যাদি।
" Stand up. You stand here. You stand there &c.
" Go. You go there.
" Run. Stop. Come back. Sit down. Lie down.
" Get up. ( এইরূপ প্রত্যেকে)
Come to me. Come to this table.Come to this chair. Come to this board. Come to this bench. Come to this wall. Come to this door. Come to this window.Come to হরি। ( ইত্যাদি প্রত্যেককে )
Go to that wall. Go to that door. Go to that window. Go to that bench. Go to that chair. Go to that board. Go to that verandah. Go to হরি। Go to কুমুদ। ( ইত্যাদি প্রত্যেককে )
(ছাত্রদিগকে বাহিরে রাখিয়া একে একে) Come into this room (নিজেও ছাত্রদের সহিত বাহিরে আসিয়া) Go into that room. Run into that room. Walk into that room. Jump into this ditch.
Stand on this bench, on that chair, on this table, on that carpet ( ইত্যাদি প্রত্যেককে )
Sit down on this chair, on that bench, on that table, on this carpet ইত্যাদি। Lie down on the floor, on the bed, on the bench, on the table, on the carpet ইত্যাদি।
Stand before me, behind me, on my right side, on my left side. Stand before কুমুদ, behind him, on his right side, on his left side. Sit before the table, behind the table, under the table, on the right side of the table, on the left side of the table, Stand before the tree, behind the tree, on the right side of the tree, on the left side of the tree. Lie on your back, on your right side, on your left side, on your stomach.