Touch your pen. Touch my pen. Touch Hari’s pen. Touch Kumud’s pen.(এইরূপে নিকটবর্তী সমস্ত দ্রব্যগুলি উল্লেখ করিতে হইবে)
Smell this flower. Smell that leaf. Smell this fruit. (এইরূপে নানা দ্রব্য লইয়া আঘ্রাণ করাইতে হইবে)
Tear this leaf. Tear that paper. Tear this flower. Tear that cloth. Break this stick. Break that twig. Break this reed ইত্যাদি।
Tear a leaf from this tree, from this book. Tear a thread from this cloth. Break a branch from this tree. Pluck a flower or leaf from this plant. Take a marble from this box. Take a pen from that table. Bring my book from the table. Take your slate from that bench. Take Hari’s slate from him and bring it to me. Take Kumud’s shoe from him ইত্যাদি। Get up from the carpet. Run out of the room.
Show me your head, ears, right ear, left ear, eyes, right eye, left eye, nose, chin, teeth. Touch your hair, lips, cheeks, right cheek, left cheek, eyebrows, right eyebrow, left eyebrow.
Beat this tree with your stick, with your left hand, right hand, fist, pencil, slate. Beat this table with your right hand & c. (এইরূপে নানা দ্রব্য)
Touch your neck, throat, shoulders, right shoulders, left shoulders, back, chest, stomach.
Touch Hari's hand with a pencil. Touch Kumud's right cheek with a pen ইত্যাদি। Touch this table with your thumb, forefinger, middle finger, third finger, little finger.